Oh, my… God.
What is this? First post in a century? What’s going on here Fleebie? Our beloved readers are going to stop respecting us, and for good reasons.
For those who care, I am not dead, I am not sick… I am just working like crazy on Azanka, the company I started with Dan recently.
Ok now it’s time for a brand new edition of Rubyize this. Let’s get the ball rolling. Hold on… I’m going to google images to get a picture of a ball rolling.
Hmm… I’m afraid this isn’t going to roll at all
Anyway, consider this :
I am an old and unhappy programmer from the late eighties and you secretly watch me coding the following lines :
class VotingSystem
#Hello, I am Rodger the old and unhappy programmer. the variable nbrOfVotes is an array of 2 dimensions. The first dimension contains the number of votes for the answer "YES, IT SUCKS"... and the other dimension contain the number of votes for the answer "NO, IT DOESN'T SUCK". In the near future there will be other possible answers... but I don't care! I retire in 2 days!
@@nbrOfVotes = Array.new
#The users who sent their vote arrive in this very top secret method!! (I retire in 2 days!)
def receiveAVote(theVote)
if theVote == "YES, IT SUCKS"
@@nbrOfVotes[0] = 0 if @@nbrOfVotes[0].nil?
@@nbrOfVotes[0] = @@nbrOfVotes[0] + 1
if theVote == "NO, IT DOESN'T SUCK"
@@nbrOfVotes[1] = 0 if @@nbrOfVotes[1].nil?
@@nbrOfVotes[1] = @@nbrOfVotes[1] + 1
puts "THIS IS NOT A VALID ANSWER YOU MORON... btw i retire in 2 days!"
#This is the function that compile ALL the votes... I retire in 2 days!
def compileAllTheVotes
for i in (0..1)
if i == 0
@@nbrOfVotes[0] = 0 if @@nbrOfVotes[0].nil?
puts "HERE IS THE NUMBER OF VOTES FOR 'YES IT SUCKS' : " + @@nbrOfVotes[0].to_s
if i == 1
@@nbrOfVotes[1] = 0 if @@nbrOfVotes[1].nil?
puts "HERE IS THE NUMBER OF VOTES FOR 'NO IT DOESN'T SUCKS' : " + @@nbrOfVotes[1].to_s
Bring the light to this man who retires in 2 days
Refactor this on RMC!
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